Kenny Francis has four fathers. His real father was killed in Vietnam before he was born. His other three fathers were marine buddies of his dad’s and they’ve pitched in to raise him. Only it hasn’t worked. Kenny is a world champion screwup. He’s been sent to Bedford Academy to get straightened out but as Kenny tries to turn his life around he must face some painful truths about his father—and himself. Shortlisted –International Reading Association Young Adults Choices Award.

Kenny Francis has four fathers. His real father was killed in Vietnam before he was born. His other three fathers were marine buddies of his dad’s and they’ve pitched in to raise him. Only it hasn’t worked. Kenny is a world champion screwup. He’s been sent to Bedford Academy to get straightened out but as Kenny tries to turn his life around he must face some painful truths about his father—and himself. Shortlisted –International Reading Association Young Adults Choices Award.
Tyler VanZegeren –
Fallout is about a troubled teen boy, Kenny Francis. He was sent to Bedford academy to hopefully straighten out his life. Well… that didnt work to great at first because he pushes the star football player out a window in his first day there. The suprising thing is he doesnt get kicked out and hes not exactly sure why. He thinks its because when his dad was a student there he was a star football player as well as an excelent student.
Stories of his father (told by his other “Dads”) soon escalated to his father being a hero in the war and nvr being afraid of anything. Every story he heard of his father was a great heroic tale. But later in the book he finds out some different truthes. These truthes eventually encourage him to make something out of life. He also figures out that its ok to be scared every once in a while.